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Oz Help host Tradie Tune Up at Hindmarsh NSW Sites

The wellbeing and mental health of all our staff, subcontractors, suppliers, and clients is a key element of our commitment to providing a safe place to work.

Recently in NSW, Hindmarsh partnered with OzHelp to offer Tradie Tune Up (TTU) sessions to those working across four of our current project sites.

The TTU’s involve one-on-one sessions with a trained OzHelp Nurse who check-in with how the person is doing across a range of topics, including, mental health and wellbeing, health care, nutrition, physical activity and alcohol and other drugs.

The Nurse takes them through a diabetes risk assessment, blood pressure assessment and discusses any areas flagged during the check-in. Each participant receives a snapshot of their health result via email with referrals to specific resources depending on their answers. OzHelp follow-up with each person after the session if any results are outside of recommended wellbeing parameters.

Craig Young, SQE Manager NSW said, “From the moment I was introduced to OzHelp at the recent Sydney Safety Show by Dane Brown our National SQE Manager, I immediately saw the benefit of this exceptional initiative and reached out to OzHelp to run a TTU program across our active NSW projects. Over the course of the week Racheal and Vincent, the OzHelp Nurses, saw good attendance with around 70+ people completing mental and physical health checks. Overall, the feedback from the teams was positive – we will be looking to make this a yearly process as a starting point.”

Dane Brown, National SQE Manager added, “Hindmarsh has partnered with OZHelp in the ACT since c.2006 and donated a van in 2020 to help them travel from site to site – I am proud to see this outstanding initiative spread to our NSW sites.”

Backed by over 20 years’ experience, coupled with an extensive understanding of the complexities of the industry, extensive customer and client relationships and invaluable voice of lived experience, OzHelp’s outreach approach takes support directly to workplaces and communities across Australia, with a specific focus on the building, construction, transport, and logistics industries.

If you, or anyone you know in the could benefit from support, you can call 1300 694 357, or visit OzHelp Support Services for more information.