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ANU University House Roof Replacement

We are pleased to share some photos of the recently repaired Australian National University (ANU) University House roof.

University House was closed after severe damage in the hailstorm of January 2020. The roof repair has involved the replacement of 70,000 heritage matched roof tiles, and careful reproduction of the batten seam copper roof and associated copper guttering across the whole building. All works have been completed in close collaboration with the University’s consulting heritage architects.

Alex Morgan, Hindmarsh Project Manager said, “I am incredibly proud of the project team for the program works we have delivered to date. The scale of the damage, age of the building, and its commonwealth heritage listing required a substantial period of careful investigation, planning and materials negotiation before repair and improvement work could begin on this 1954 landmark. I would like to sincerely thank the ANU, faculty, students and the community for your patience and support during these works.”

Check out more about ANU University House here.

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