News & Media, Project Win
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We are proud to share this latest timelapse update of the Aunty Agnes Shea High School project in the ACT.

Named after late senior Ngunnawal Elder Aunty Agnes Shea, the new high school will start by hosting Year 7 students in the new school year, and then grow to cater for up to 800 students across years 7 to 10.

Check out the project profile here.

Fundraising/Sponsorship, Happenings At Hindmarsh
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Aunty Agnes Shea High School Hindmarsh Project Team raise funds for the Deadly Runners.

Recently, the Aunty Agnes Shea High School Hindmarsh Project Team came together with friends, family, colleagues, and subcontractors to raise funds for the Deadly Runners.

The team raised an amazing $1,427.00 by selling hoodies and collecting bottles for recycling.

The hoodie artwork “Ngunnawal Country” was designed and created by local indigenous artist Richie Allan. The image depicts the part of the whole artwork piece which focuses on the waterways above ground and underground, in Taylor where the Aunty Agnes Shea High School is being built. The hoodies were also manufactured by TOAC Services a local indigenous owned and operated company.

Jemma Butt, Hindmarsh Project Manager said, “A massive thank you to everyone who got involved and made this fundraising event such a success by donating to this inspiring cause. I would also like to say a special thank you to Moira for organising everything, dropping off the bottles and collecting the funds.”

The Deadly Runners began in 2014 with a small, committed group from Queanbeyan NSW. Wanting to give mob the opportunity to experience how running made her feel and changed her life, founder Georgia Weir volunteered to coach locals to run 5km. Training consistently 3 days a week, they achieved their goals and inspired a grassroots movement that continues today.

Find out more about the Deadly Runners here.