Happenings At Hindmarsh, Project Update
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Australian War Memorial (The Memorial) to walk the Bean Building & Central Energy Plant sites

Recently, Cadets and Senior Leaders from across Hindmarsh’s ACT projects visited the Australian War Memorial (The Memorial) to walk the Bean Building & Central Energy Plant sites.

Nadine O’Keeffe, Hindmarsh Strategic Business Development Manager said, “A huge thank you to the AWM & Hindmarsh Project Teams for taking the time to guide our Cadets and Leadership Team through the Bean Building and Central Energy Plant. It was fantastic to see the progress firsthand and learn about the innovative methodologies the team has implemented to manage the unique complexities of this highly technical project.”

You can read more about this outstanding project here: Hindmarsh Bean Building and Central Energy Plant Project

News & Media, Project Update
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The Australian War Memorial switches on its world-class sustainable green energy project in a purpose-built Central Energy Plant (CEP).

Recently, The Australian War Memorial switched on its world-class sustainable green energy project in a purpose-built Central Energy Plant (CEP).

Delivered by Hindmarsh, the CEP is designed to provide sustainable heating and cooling across the Memorial’s buildings and exhibitions for the next 80 years. The system uses the ground’s thermal mass and relatively consistent underground temperature throughout the year to provide heating and cooling instead of using natural gas-fired boilers and chillers.

Interesting fact: This CEP is the largest closed loop Geothermal Heat Exchange system in Australia.

Check out the full story on The Memorial website here: Australian War Memorial flicks on green energy power | Australian War Memorial