The $40m Sutherland Hospital Operating Theatre Complex includes two (2) key milestone phases.
Milestone One includes new build works to the west of the theatres building, which will take place while the existing theatres remain operational.
Once the new theatres and CSSD are commissioned and operational, the refurbishment works can commence. These are located on level 2 and include demolition of the existing theatres, Sterilisation Services department, Staff Change, OT Offices and part of the Jarrah Ward.
Milestone One includes new build works to the west of the theatres building, which will take place while the existing theatres remain operational. Key features include, New MRI unit and control room, Five New General Operating Theatres, New Hybrid Theatre, Associated Prep, Scrub, Cleanup and Sterile Stock rooms, New CSSD including Clean and dirty lifts, Dirty Receipt and Decontamination, Pass-through Batch washing and Trolley wash. During Milestone One, enabling works including temporary functions will be provided to allow the new theatres to be operational during Milestone Two. These include the Radius unit being relocated to Level 2 so that the existing Radius ward can act as the temporary Stage 1 Recovery. Temporary theatre staff changing rooms will be provided to the north of the new lift core, and temporary admissions / pre-op areas will be provided by the LHD.
Once the new theatres and CSSD are commissioned and operational, the refurbishment works can commence. The key areas include two New General Operating Theatres, two New Endoscopy Procedure Rooms, Associated Prep, Scrub, Clean-up, Scope Processing and Sterile Stock rooms, Recovery Stage 1, Pre-op, Admissions, Recovery Stage 2 & Discharge including Holding Bays & Cabins, Theatre Staff Change Facilities and Administration and Office Areas.