Memorial Geothermal Project: 100th Bore Hole Achieved!

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AWM Geothermal

In early May, Hindmarsh achieved a significant milestone in the delivery of the largest closed loop underground geothermal technology heating and cooling system in the southern hemisphere.

The 100th bore hole was successfully completed as part of the Memorial’s (Australian War Memorial – AWM) development and expansion project, taking the overall pipework drilled to 15,000m! This is the equivalent of 13 Sydney Harbour Bridges, or 150 NRL pitches laid end-to-end!

Upon completion, the new generation of geothermal system will save the Memorial approximately $1m+ each year on heating and cooling. The project also eliminates production of up to a thousand tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent a year. These savings are the comparable to transporting about 87,500 students a year from Sydney to Canberra return to visit the Memorial carbon free.

“This is a significant milestone for the Hindmarsh and Geothermal Industries Australia team. Completing the 100th bore hole is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. Working in partnership with key stakeholders, the teams have expertly managed each unique challenge this project has presented and delivered time and time again. Everyone has worked diligently over many long hours to achieve this milestone and it is a true representation of their commitment and hard work”, said Warren Fenwick – Hindmarsh Project Manager.

Once complete, the team will have placed 32,000m of bore holes throughout the Memorial Precinct with them all near and under the footprint of the new Bean Building.

You can read more about this outstanding commitment to carbon reduction on the Memorial’s website here.