Project Complete: Frasers Property Industrial – National Tiles & PFG Australia, QLD

News & Media, Project Update
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We are delighted to announce that the Frasers National Tiles and PFG Australia project has been successfully completed.

Delivered within the Frasers Vantage Yatala estate this $34M+ project involved the design and construction of one warehouse facility, split into two tenancies.

The National Tiles distribution centre boasts a 16,632 sqm warehouse including 4,438 sqm awning, 1,473sqm of office space, and 118 car parking spaces.

The PFG Australia tenancy includes a 7,948 sqm warehouse including a 40m super awning, 818 sqm two-storey office, 2,384 sqm of all-weather operation hardstand, and 20 car parking spaces.

Chadd Hume, State Manager – Construction QLD said, β€œThe Hindmarsh QLD team are proud of the final product. The project is testament to the hard work and dedication of the Hindmarsh Project Team, our Delivery Partners, and Suppliers – thank you to everyone involved.”

The new warehouse is designed to achieve a 5 Star Green Star rating, and boasts several sustainability initiatives, including:

  • Rainwater capture and re-use
  • Energy-efficient sensor lighting to office and warehouse areas
  • Water-saving tapware (minimum 5 WELS rating)
  • Energy and water metering and monitoring
  • Native plants and drip irrigation.