Project Update: North Gungahlin High School receives official name

Recently, members of the Hindmarsh ACT project team joined key members of the ACT community to name Canberra’s 92nd public school.
The project name ‘North Gungahlin High School’ will be replaced, with the school now officially named ‘Agnes Shea High School’, after late senior Ngunnawal Elder Aunty Agnes Shea.
Representatives from the United Ngunnawal Elders Council, including Aunty Agnes’ granddaughter Selina Walker, attended the ceremony to mark the occasion.
Among her many achievements and contributions to Canberra and its various communities, Aunty Agnes Shea was a founding member of the United Ngunnawal Elders Council, a member of the advisory board to ACT Health, helped establish the Ngunnawal Bush Healing Farm and was a member of the ACT Heritage Council.
Once complete, the Agnes Shea High School will start by hosting Year 7 and 8 students, and then grow to cater for up to 800 students across years 7 to 10 over time.
Would you like to know more? Then, check out the ACT Government article: Canberra’s 92nd public school named – Our Canberra (