Project Complete: Frasers Property Industrial – National Tiles & PFG Australia, QLD
We are delighted to announce that the Frasers National Tiles and PFG Australia project has been successfully completed.
Delivered within the Frasers Vantage Yatala estate this $34M+ project involved the design and construction of one warehouse facility, split into two tenancies.
The National Tiles distribution centre boasts a 16,632 sqm warehouse including 4,438 sqm awning, 1,473sqm of office space, and 118 car parking spaces.
The PFG Australia tenancy includes a 7,948 sqm warehouse including a 40m super awning, 818 sqm two-storey office, 2,384 sqm of all-weather operation hardstand, and 20 car parking spaces.
Chadd Hume, State Manager – Construction QLD said, “The Hindmarsh QLD team are proud of the final product. The project is testament to the hard work and dedication of the Hindmarsh Project Team, our Delivery Partners, and Suppliers – thank you to everyone involved.”
The new warehouse is designed to achieve a 5 Star Green Star rating, and boasts several sustainability initiatives, including:
- Rainwater capture and re-use
- Energy-efficient sensor lighting to office and warehouse areas
- Water-saving tapware (minimum 5 WELS rating)
- Energy and water metering and monitoring
- Native plants and drip irrigation.